Aim of this service

We aim to make life in practice easier, with the opportunity to offer advanced veterinary surgery, in the comfort of your own practice. Referring a case to us is straightforward and quick, we have resources that can be downloaded and printed off for your clients and team. We bring all of our own consumables and implants; all we need is a RVN to oversee the general anaesthetic.

Our Surgeons

Dr Emma Wells BVSc CertSAS MRCVS is a 2004 Graduate from Bristol University. After spending 3 years in mixed practice in Cornwall, she undertook an internship at Davies Veterinary Specialists, and completed her RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Surgery in 2010 at Bath Vet Vet Referrals. She went on to maintain a high surgical case load during time spent working at the Wood Veterinary Group hospital in Gloucester. In 2016 she began working as a peripatetic surgeon, helping to establish a visiting surgical referral company Rata Vet Surgery.  Alongside this, she has spent time locumming as an orthopaedic surgeon at Vale Referrals. Emma became an RCVS Advanced Veterinary Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery in March 2018.  She set up the company VOST (Visiting Orthopaedic and Soft Tissue) Surgery at the beginning of 2022.

Our Surgeons

Dr Emma Wells

Emma Wells VOST

Dr Heidi Burkinshaw

Dr Heidi Burkinshaw BSc (Hons) BVetMed PgC(SAS) MRCVS is a 1999 graduate from The Royal Veterinary College. Her interest in surgery has been an asset working in small animal hospitals and charity clinics in the UK and overseas. Heidi completed her post graduate qualification in 2018 when she began working as a peripatetic surgeon covering both soft tissue and orthopaedic cases.
Heidi has two children, two dogs, and enjoys running, swimming and pilates. She also prioritises travel and charity veterinary work.

Alasdair Hotston Moore MA VetMB CertSAC CertVR CertSAS FRCVS qualified from the University of Cambridge in 1990. Following graduation, he joined Bristol Vet School, first as Intern in Small Animal Medicine and subsequently as Resident in Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery. He was Lecturer and latterly Senior Clinical Fellow in Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery at Langford from 1997 until leaving in 2009. He was Head of Referral Surgery at Bath Vet Referrals until 2017, when he became a Group Veterinary Advisor for Independent Vetcare and moved his clinical activities to Vale Referrals.

From 2018-2020 he was Chief Medical Officer at Concordia Petcare (Shanghai, part of the New Ruipeng Petcare Group) and in 2021 he returned to IVC-Evidensia as Referral Surgeon (Vale Referrals) and Consultant with the Learning and Development team of IVC-Evidensia. From 2022-23, he was with Medivet as a Group Veterinary Director with responsibilities for one of four divisions, referrals and surgery.  Alongside his role as a peripatetic surgeon, he is able to provide in clinic teaching in soft tissue surgery as well as formal lecturing.

He holds post graduate qualifications in small animal surgery, veterinary radiology, small animal cardiology and medical education. He has published widely in peer reviewed journals and lectured nationally and internationally in his discipline of small animal surgery.

Alasdair Hotston Moore

Vost Surgery

Dr Oliver Wilkinson

Olver VOST
Dr Oliver Wilkinson BVSc MRCVS CertAVP (GSAS) is an Australian/British vet who graduated from Melbourne in 1997. After working in Adelaide for 2 years, Oliver moved back to the UK where he was born, and has practised here largely ever since. Oliver worked at the Dragon Vet Centre in Cheltenham for over twenty years, becoming a partner and their main surgeon. He completed his surgical certificate in 2000 and since then, has maintained a busy internal surgical caseload, as well accepting a number of local referrals.
When he is not operating Oliver can be found hiking over the Welsh Mountains with his wife Vickie and their Vizsla, Bart. He is also more often than not, found swimming in pools, rivers, lakes and oceans. In 2011 Oliver broke a long standing swimming record for the fastest circumnavigation of Manhattan Island (45km). He still holds the record to this day.

Carly Kilby RVN NCert (Anaesth), NCert (Surgery), ISFM CertFN, MBVNA qualified in 2006 with a Higher National Diploma in Veterinary Nursing from Bicton College. After qualifying, she spent time in mixed, first opinion practices in Devon before travelling to Thailand and India putting her RVN passport to good use. Carly gained the ESVPS certificate in Anaesthesia in 2015, followed by an ISFM certificate in Feline Friendly Nursing in 2016, then the ISVPS certificate in Surgical Nursing in 2021. She is a BVNA representative for the South West, organising and hosting CPD events online and in person. She is also an anaesthesia nurse at Bristol Veterinary Referrals.

In her spare time, she likes to run with her dogs, drink wine and embarrass her 2 children.

Carly Kilby

Vost Surgery

Oliver Gilman

Oliver Gilman BVSc PGDip(VCP) DipECVS MRCVS graduated from the University of Bristol in 2015, initially working in a busy primary care veterinary hospital in Somerset, before returning to the University of Bristol to undertake a rotating internship, additionally collecting a post-graduate diploma in veterinary clinical practice.

He then moved to Highcroft Referrals for an internship in small animal surgery, before embarking upon a three-year ECVS residency in small animal surgery.

Following the residency programme, Oli worked as a clinician in small animal surgery at Cave Veterinary Specialists, passing the ECVS board-certifying examination in 2023 to becoming an EBVS and RCVS specialist in small animal surgery.

He is enthusiastic about all areas of soft tissue surgery, with particular interest in feline surgery, brachycephalic airway syndrome, oncological resection/reconstruction and laparoscopy.

Oli has several publications in prominent veterinary journals and enjoys delivering CPD to discuss all things surgery.

When not in theatre, Oli is usually found either in the garden, walking, cycling or spending some quality time with his cat.

Emily Herbert qualified in 2015 and since then she has spent her time in first opinion practice. Given her keen interest in Orthopaedic and Soft Tissue Surgery, she joined the VOST Surgery team in August 2024 and divides her time between first opinion and referral practice. Emily not only provides surgical assistance and anaesthesia support in the clinical setting, but she also spends time coordinating the surgeons and our host practices, to keep things running smoothly.

Emily Herbert

Emily Herbert
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